Wednesday, April 6, 2011

the boogeyman

I think that Banks had her first bad dream today, poor girl.  She woke up from her afternoon nap SCREAMING and had a scared, dazed look in her eyes.  It really startled me how scared she looked.  Brian got home about 1minute after it started and even he was surprised by how scared she looked.  She finally calmed down, but was a little clingy and needy.  During dinner she was happy and playing in her jumper.  Bath time was normal.  Then it was time for bed.  She had started to doze off during her bottle, as usual, but as soon as I turned off the lights, she was screaming again.  Brian and I took turns trying to calm her down...rocking, walking, shhhing, patting her bottom, rocking in the glider.  We gave her gas drops, a teething strip, but nothing seemed to help.  Each time she started to close her eyes to sleep, she would wake up with that scared look on her face.  After about 40 minutes, she sounded like she was going to hyperventilate.  I decided to turn on the light, check her diaper and make sure nothing else seemed wrong with her.  I checked her all over and she seemed fine.  She was so fine that she finally stopped crying.  She calmed down, I rubbed her stomach, gave her kisses, and she gave up a couple yawns.  I picked her up off the changing table as she was dozing off to sleep.  As soon as I turned off the light, she cried again.  So, after an hour we finally got her to sleep with the light on and I left an extra nightlight on for her.  Bless her ♥
I hope the boogeyman stays away tonight...if he shows up, I have some choice words for him!


  1. I am sorry that happened to Miss Banks! I think it is common because Cooper had his first nightmare at around 4 or 5 months too! I remember his hurt just breaking my heart into a million pieces!
