Monday, August 8, 2011

9 months

It's hard to believe that Banks is already 9 months old!

She is really on the move now and will be walking in the next few weeks.  During the day, she crawls around the house and follows me from room to room.  And if Meiko or Wrigley pass by she moves at mach speed to catch them.  She gets stronger every day and is pulling up to standing all the time.  This past weekend she starting trying to balance on her own and lasted about 5 seconds.  I am trying to resist the urge to put a helmet on kills me when she falls and cries.  There have only been a couple real bumps and the rest just startle her. She is a little bit of a drama queen, but recovers quickly.  

This past Friday, Banks went for her 9 month well check.  She is doing fantastic...growing and progressing up the charts right on schedule and meeting all of her milestones.  There were no shots this time so that makes everyone happy! 

Here are the stats from the visit...
Height - 27 3/4 inches - 50th percentile
Weight - 18 lbs - 25th percentile
Head Circumference: 44.5cm - between the 50th-75th percentile

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

what's cooking?

I have been a slacker on the blog - sorry!  We have been having lots of summer fun and I have the pictures to prove it!  I will be uploading them soon and you can see just how big our little Banks is getting.  Its hard to believe that she is already 9 months old.  We go for our 9 month well check this Friday.

This girl loves to eat!  I am still making about 90% of her food.  We are trying new foods every week and have incorporated yogurt into her diet. Of course she gobbles it up!  I am starting to add some new flavors into our recipes.  This week I have made...

granny smith applesauce with cinnamon
roasted summer squash with olive oil and herbs
mixed vegetables with parmesan

The new veggie this week is spinach...I mixed it with pear and mango and Banks ate it like she was Popeye!